Ways to Beautify Your Home Security System


Unsecured areas of the home are danger zones where an intruder can enter to steal valuable contents or cause physical harm to one or more residents. Because the odds of such an action occurring in a relatively safe neighborhood are minimal, many homeowners neglect taking precautions until it is too late and they have been victimized.


Sliding glass doors are often considered to be one of the most vulnerable entries into a home. Intruders will often select the sliding door as a means of entry. They will cut through screens, try breaking the glass in order to reach the lock, or prying open the door with a crowbar. Too often these attempts are successful and a home is burglarized. Family members are traumatized and feel violated when their home is entered and their personal belongings damaged or stolen. According to Security Screen Masters, people want security sliding doors in Phoenix because they are often afraid to leave their sliders open to enjoy the fresh breezes, even when they are home. Home invasions have become too common to take chances. There is a solution that allows you to enjoy your sliding glass door to the fullest, while maintaining your family’s safety. Security screening is the perfect solution.

Security Screen For Sliding Glass Doors

When you replace the standard vinyl option with stainless steel security screening, you have added a tremendous safety feature to your home. These screening systems are also very beautiful and add charm to your patio, pool area, or gardens. Glare is reduced, and less heat is generated through the glass because of the woven stainless steel screens. Security screen also reduces the visibility of the inside of your home to those on the outside, but it never reduces your view of the area outside of your sliding glass door. You’ll experience more privacy, and feel safe allowing the air to circulate freely through your home. You’ll always have an unobstructed view through your door, and the design of your home will be enhanced.


According to Wizard Industries, security screens are made of a durable and tightly woven steel mesh. Because the mesh is puncture proof, flies, mosquitoes, and other insects will be permanently barred from entering your home for the life of your screen. Security screens offer protection against the daily activities of the whole family, including the dog. Your pet will not be able to lean against the screen and cause it to stretch, and basket balls, tree branches, and other items that may fall against it will not cause any impact damage.

Put your mind at ease when it comes to the security of your home and family by installing stainless steel security screens.