Vacuum Technology Explained – Things You Need to Know


Most people who hear about vacuums immediately think of fairly small units that can be used to clean carpets and floors, but there is a wide range of powerful vacuums that are used exclusively by scientific establishments and corporations. These larger pieces are commonly used to trap molecules, provide safety by removing contaminants or assist in scientific experimentation and are often showcased on websites like The three different types of vacuum technology listed below represent the most common methods this equipment uses to either trap or remove gas and molecules.


Entrapment vacuums work by trapping the gas and particles in a containment unit. Though these vacuums tend to have low flow rates and move particles at a slower rate than other types of vacuums, they also have a substantial amount of power and can hold massive amounts of particles.

This technology can be further broken down into three types of processes. There are cryogenic, ionic and chemical reaction vacuums. Typical entrapment vacuums have no moving parts and thus are quite durable.


Kinetic vacuums are one of two different types of gas transfer pumps. These vacuums work by quickly moving gas from one area to another. Since molecules are not trapped, the same number of molecules that enter the vacuum must also come out to ensure proper flow. In the case of kinetic pumps, this is usually accomplished with the use of fans or introducing vapor.

One of the major benefits of kinetic vacuums is that they can achieve high levels of compression and displacement with low pressures. They also tend to move particles the fastest.

Positive Displacement

Positive displacement pumps are the other type of gas transfer vacuums. Large volumes of gas are trapped within a containment unit before being expelled through a pump. The volume is gradually introduced to increasing pressure before being pushed out or towards another pump.

This type of technology is generally used in a series of multiple pumps and can be used to remove massive amounts of gas and particles. Kinetic pumps are often used in the series, but it can also be multiple positive displacement pumps.


There are various types of pumps and each serve a different purpose with varying flow rates. If particles must be trapped for later research, then entrapment vacuums tend to be the best. Transfer pumps are best whenever removing or displacing gas is the priority.