Unlock Nokia Lumia 521 for Free


Before you are able to provide the appropriate security to your Nokia Lumia 521 you need to know a few things about it. For example the Nokia Lumia 521 security is connected with the strength of the password you set, or the Lumia 521 provider company sets for you. preferable, the Lumia 521 passwords should not contain repeated words or words that can be found in the official dictionaries. The Unlock Nokia Lumia 521 should represent a mixture of upper case and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. The more mixed up your Unlock Nokia Lumia 521 is the more secure the Nokia Lumia 521 Lock you use would be. However that is not the end of the story. If that was the case the hackers would have been job-less by now so, obviously protecting the Nokia Lumia 521 you own is not a piece of cake. Another thing you should turn your attention to is the security protocol your Nokia Lumia 521 is using. It could be the WEP security protocol, which is an abbreviation for Wired Equivalent Privay, or it could be the security protocol which stands for Nokia Lumia 521 Unlock protected area.

The WEP only offers a basic protection. The length of the password shouldn’t surpass eight digits. It can contain both numbers and letters but it can be cracked easily.

How to Unlock Nokia Lumia 521

The security protocols offer more advanced protection than the WEP. The passwords can be more complex and far longer. If you don’t mind you can set up a password that is long up to 63 characters. This will give the hackers a lot to deal with and it will and preferably put them off so your network will remain intact.

To prove you my point I will share with you a few of my personal stories. For demonstrative purposes only I put Unlock Nokia Lumia 521 on my home Sim network connection. Then I got the CloudCracker Unlock Nokia application tool from the internet and tried cracking the password with it. I had no success. I had to purchase the premium version of the Cloud Cracker Unlocker application tool which contained ten times more words and combination of words and to my surprise I managed to remove the WEP password after only hour and a half.

Encouraged by my first success, I made another alteration to my Nokia Lumia 521 connection. This time the password I put was a password. According to the rumors this password should protect me better and it turned out that this statement was true. Using the newly found Unlock Nokia Lumia 521 application tool I wasn’t able to open the closed Sim network. Then I thought of another service which some of you may know under the name of EC2 Cloud Computing Service. I had to buy it from Amazon and it took almost six days of constant processing before all combinations where exhausted. That was proof enough that the Sim networks are truly more secure than the WEP ones.

Still, one can never be too careful, so if you ever notice something dodgy going on with your Unlock Nokia Lumia 521 set a new Sim or Unlock Lumia.