Singapore SMEs Urged to Partner Government to Innovate and Tap On Technology


Minor and major firms within Singapore are investing more heavily in R & D as of late. This stronger interest in research and development is happening because businesses want to discover innovations and new high-tech options which may drive profits in the future. This information was remarked upon by Singapore’s Trade and Industry Minister. According to the Minister, small and medium-sized firms spent eight hundred million dollars on research and development during 2014. This signals a thirty-eight percent increase, versus figures from 2013.

The Minister’s name is Mr. Iswaran and he announced this information while making a speech during the SME day which was hosted by A Star. At this special event, he was the honoured guest and he promoted the value of partnerships between small and medium-sized businesses and A Star, as well as Spring. It’s all about leveraging tech and innovation in order to make companies more productive and in order to develop their capabilities. In particular, A Star is to be commended for its range of programs, which are designed to assist SMEs. A Star has amplified its commitment to helping over the last five years and this trend shows no sign of slowing down.

One A Star program, known as T-up, is meant to assist companies with boosting innovation. In the future, the A Star research team plans to assist with creating solutions for companies. These solutions will be personalised in order to meet the needs of companies.

As you can see, Singapore has a lot of programs in place which help entrepreneurs to access the care and support that they need, with regard to boosting tech-savvy skills and finding innovative new ways to provide valuable goods and services within the Singapire marketplace, and worldwide.

Singapore Is All About Progress

Singapore has a progressive government. Its government works hard in order to support entrepreneurs. In particular, the government believes in supporting tech-based companies. WIth the advent of Brexit, it’s possible that more and more tech companies will bring their business to Singapore. Also, homegrown start-ups with tech focuses are getting tons of support from the government. This is why Singapore is now outpacing Hong Kong in the fintech niche. Fintech is financial technology.

As well, Singapore offers tons of benefits to its citizens. It has a great health care system, a very low rate of crime and lots of things to see and do, so it’s an excellent place to work and to play. This liveable city gets better by the day and welcomes tech startup firms and established tech companies. If you need help getting a handle on technology and innovation, and you’re running a small or medium-sized company, you’ll find that Singapore’s programs have a lot of benefits.

Once you’ve discovered just how much help it out there, you’ll be on track to optimise your company’s success. It begins with selecting the right program and then moving your small or medium-sized company into the future, via innovations and technological advances. So, why not get started today?