Headphone Amplifier: All you need to know


There has been a steady increase in the use of mobile music devices like iPods, smart phones, tablets etc. They are houses for thousands of songs. Almost every user of these mobile devices have their own collection of their favourite headsets- when it comes to headsets, music lovers know what they are buying. But what if your headset fails to deliver the result you expect them to- maybe it is because of the poor output from the mobile device. Well, in that case, there’s a device called as a headphone amplifier (I guess most of you know it). But to those who never knew such a device existed, we have everything you need to know about them. A headset amplifier amplifies the output of the device that you are listening to. It acts as a medium between the music device and your headset, making the listening experience a memorable one. If you are a dedicated music person, it is high time to purchase one. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed by this device. But if you are actually disappointed with the poor quality audio output from your headset, it’s recommended to give this amplifier a try.

A headset amplifier is nothing but a smaller version of those amplifiers you use to improve the home theatre experience. In addition to being small in size, they also deliver a best-in-class audio output, thus enhancing your listening pleasure. So what do you get if you have this amplifier? Neater, cleaner, and exemplary audio. There are some best headphones amplifier available out there of which some produce stunning results. They also come in a variety of shapes and sizes- some even in the shape of a USB pen drive. Yes, you heard it right- as small as it could get.

Why might you need one?

Some mobile devices don’t provide the required power to the headsets which might lead to the improper functioning of the same. A deliberate power is needed to drive the headset properly. In case if the mobile phone or the mobile device fails to impart the required power, certain essential regions of a song might get left unnoticed. The power required to drive a headset is largely dependent on its impedance. A headset having a high impedance requires more voltage than one with a lower impedance- this means a headset amplifier is essential for those headsets which have a rating greater than 100 ohms (which means the headset has a larger impedance compared to your music device). But this doesn’t mean low impedance headphones don’t need an amplifier. When it comes to the quality, you don’t want to compromise on anything. So if you are in possession of a best-in-class headset and still unable to experience the profound audio, we seriously suggest you go with these audio amplifiers. We have developed a list of some best headphones amplifiers which we think is the best for you.

In short, these amplifiers do not fall into the category of must buy products, but if you are looking forward to buying them, they won’t disappoint you.