3 Old-School Digital Marketing Strategies That Still Work


Digital marketing is always changing. New trends and better approaches are being used by businesses and individuals to up their digital marketing games. It is even necessary to stay up to date with the latest strategies if you want to stay ahead of the market.

Despite the rapid updates, however, some strategies remain essential and not to be neglected, even though they are relatively old compared to the newer approaches. To further strengthen your digital marketing campaign, here are the three old-school strategies you don’t want to neglect.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the oldest trick in the book, but that doesn’t mean it is any less effective than newer instruments like social media or influencer marketing. In fact, email marketing is considered one of the best ways to achieve a high conversion rate, which is often the metric that defines the success of a digital marketing campaign.

Of course, today’s email marketing is so much better than what it used to be. You can be more meticulous with how you manage your mailing list. You also have more tools to track recipients and customize – personalize – content delivered to the recipients based on their preferences and other parameters.

Email marketing can also be integrated with other digital marketing tactics, including remarketing. Instead of sending regular emails periodically, your email marketing strategy can now center around bringing customers back to the site to complete their purchases.

Craigslist Marketing

Yes, Craigslist is still one of the best ways to market your business, especially if you are targeting a local audience. For businesses who only serve customers in a particular area, Craigslist is a crucial instrument to use in their digital marketing campaigns.

Craigslist’s simplicity and its local approach are among the things that make this instrument so unique. Instead of aiming at a wide audience, you can tailor your message to suit a specific group of audience. With a carefully crafted message and a suitable call to action, craigslist is also a great way to invite more walk-in traffic, acting as a bridge between online and offline campaigns.

Today, the ads you post on craigslist also influence your brand’s online presence. This means you can use the prowess of craigslist to bring traffic to your site and social media pages. Combined with the Craigslist search tempest, you’re looking at a serious boost nonetheless.


Coupons are also considered very effective in persuading potential customers. It is that final push many people need before they decide to buy your products. Digital coupons are easier to manage, but the principles behind coupon marketing haven’t changed.

There are several ways you can boost the effectiveness of discounts and coupon codes. You can offer them as exclusive offers for mailing list subscribers or social media followers. You can also release coupons on special occasions. What you want to avoid is having coupons available all the time since it will reduce the effectiveness of your special offers.

These marketing strategies may be old-school, but they are still very effective in today’s modern world. Integrate them into your digital marketing efforts to see the kind of impact they can bring to the table.